As a leader, you make daily decisions about how best to guide your team members to success. Your goal is to encourage employee involvement and empowerment, so your teammates perform their best. One way to motivate your team is through delegation. Since you don’t have time to complete every task, and you want team members to make independent decisions whenever possible, you should assign certain tasks for them to complete. Here are four tips for becoming a better leader through delegation.
Delegate an Entire Task
Ask a team member to complete an entire task whenever possible. Being responsible for completing something bigger than themselves and knowing why it matters makes a teammate feel part of the overall success of the business. If you have to break up the task, ensure the team member understands the overall purpose of the bigger task. Connect the teammate with others involved in planning or managing the work. Everyone needs to stay on the same page to contribute to the big picture. Knowing the goals, expectations, and desired outcomes provide context to make better decisions.
Explain Exactly What to Do
Clarify specifically what must be done to complete the task effectively. If you have a picture of a successful outcome, share it. Ask the team member questions to ensure they understand. Spend a bit of time overseeing their progress without micromanaging. Ask the teammate to provide feedback on how the task is coming. Remind them to ask questions and request clarification as needed. Provide the resources required to complete the task.
Specify Dates for Progress Reports
Let the team members know when you’d like to receive feedback about their progress on a task. Although you don’t want to micromanage, you need to know that the task is being correctly completed on time. You also want to sway the teammate’s decisions in the right direction to attain a desirable outcome.
Explain Measurements of Success
Let the team members know how success in completing the task will be measured. This makes performance development planning more measurable and less subjective. Explain how the team member will be rewarded for completing the task with a desirable outcome. This reinforces their sense of accomplishment and belief that they’re a key contributor.
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