![Data Entry Temps How to Manage Generation Z Employees](https://www.bankwstaffing.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/573765_KBW-Blog-Imagery-4_103119.jpg)
Great leaders and talent are needed to grow a successful company. The best leaders focus on vision and strategy to guide and remove obstacles for their teams. They clarify priorities and expectations, define roles and ensure the processes to execute them are in place. However, leading and managing temps is a bit different than it is for employees. Because temps work with an organization short term, they won’t be around as long as many employees. As a result, temps need to be led and managed differently.
Learn how to effectively lead and manage your data entry temps.
Make Time for Onboarding
Schedule a half-day of training for every month you intend to have your temps on staff. For instance, if they have a six-month contract, provide three full days of onboarding. Make it clear what is expected of them during their time with you. Define the scope of work and exactly what it will entail. Convey all pertinent company and client information in an efficient, effective manner. Include your company’s mission, vision and values and how temps need to exhibit them. Provide the resources necessary to complete the work. Help temps blend with their roles and quickly begin contributing.
Include Temps in Team Activities
Do what you can to make working at your company as rewarding for them as their contributions are beneficial to you. Include temps in meetings and correspondence as required by their work. Offer the necessary information to answer questions and make their role easier. Invite temps to office events such as birthday parties and team lunches.
Request Input
Because they move among projects and companies, they have diverse knowledge, skills and experience that can benefit your organization. For instance, in addition to the data entry skills you hired them for, temps may have computer or project management skills your company needs for an upcoming project. Also, ask temps for input on what your company aims to achieve and ideas for improvement. Their new perspective may bring up ideas for increasing efficiency and effectiveness.
Maintain Contact
Good talent is an asset to your company. You may need their skills for another project down the road. Document your experience with each temp and maintain their contact information so you can see if they’re available for future projects.
Find Data Entry Temps Through KBW
Find data entry temps through KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting. We match employers with savvy financial professionals to help keep their businesses running smoothly. Find out more today.
About KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting
KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting is the leading provider of staffing and recruiting services in the areas of finance and accounting. Since 2005, KBW has provided thousands of clients with temporary and direct-hire staffing services throughout Greater Boston, New Hampshire, and Maine.
Learn more and search jobs at https://www.kbwfinancial.com