effectively network

Networking should not slow down when you are working remotely. Connecting with other professionals in your company and industry lets you meet new people and develop current relationships. Staying in touch keeps you top of mind with other professionals. Offering to help your connections encourages them to return the favor. Continuously growing your network enhances your career success.

Choose among these ideas to network virtually.

Schedule Time to Network 

Make networking an ongoing priority on your schedule. Set aside 20 minutes a day for 3 days a week to go through LinkedIn and send emails. Carve out additional time for networking calls. Develop consistency to maintain your momentum.

Reach Out to Colleagues  

Regularly touch base with your teammates. Engagement is important. Because small talk does not spontaneously happen when working remotely, reach out to people you have not recently seen or heard from. A short email or video chat lets you catch up and stay informed about what is going on with them and your company. This enhances your visibility and connection to the organization.

Touch Base with Previous Employers 

Get in touch with former managers and colleagues. See how they are doing and whether you can help with the challenges they are facing. If you are looking for a job, they may know of an opportunity or offer to serve as a reference.

Reconnect with Other Contacts  

Reach out to other professionals you connected with. Whether you met at a networking event, spoke on the same panel, or sat by them at dinner, see what they have been up to. Keep yourself top of mind in case either of you needs something down the road.

Introduce Connections 

Make meaningful introductions between members of your network. Determine who would benefit from meeting someone and why. Create a clear, concise, informative message about each person and why they should meet. Ask to set up a phone call or video chat so they can get to know each other. Your connections will enjoy expanding their circle and feeling connected to someone new.

Participate in Virtual Networking Events  

Take part in online networking events. Prepare a short introduction about yourself. Find out which fields other finance professionals work in. See which personal interests you have in common. Ask questions and make comments during the presentations. Send an email or LinkedIn request to each new contact after the event to stay in touch.

Follow Up 

Always follow up with new connections. If you said you would do something, follow through. Deliver results in a timely manner. Show that you keep your word. Cultivate a relationship with your new contact.

About KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting

KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting is the leading provider of staffing and recruiting services in the areas of finance and accounting. Since 2005, KBW has provided thousands of clients with temporary and direct-hire staffing services throughout Greater Boston, New Hampshire, and Maine.

Learn more and search jobs at https://www.kbwfinancial.com