You just received a job offer and as exciting as that is what happens when not everything is line with what you are targeting? Now what? Negotiating an offer can be challenging, especially if you received a salary lower than what you believe you deserve. Or, maybe there isn’t as much PTO as you hoped for, or there’s another element you wish to be changed. What do you do then? Your job satisfaction is going to be significantly impacted by the offer you accept. You want to go into a job feeling on top of the world. This is where you might need to negotiate to move toward better terms and employment conditions.

Find out how to use your experience to negotiate a more favorable job offer.

Explain Your Request

Now is your time to show and explain why your level of experience justifies the salary or accommodations you are requesting. A great way to do this is to gather together examples of your skills, abilities, and accomplishments through previous work or recommendation letters. Show your future employer how you improved your former employer’s situation and be able to give examples. Showing your new employer how you can directly benefit them might make them take a step back and reconsider the offer and improve it.

For example, you could share, “I would like a 15% increase in salary because I decreased my previous companies expenses by 25% last year. While I haven’t started just yet, I am determined and skilled to do the same for your company.” You are more likely to receive what you want if there is a strong reason, and proof behind your request.

Translate Your Experience into Skills

Take this opportunity to walk through your skills and highlight which ones can directly benefit your next employer. The essential skills for employers are soft skills such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. If you know your future employer needs someone with a flexible management style, adeptness, and ability to work with different age groups, highlight those. Don’t waste time talking about skills that you know your future employer doesn’t need. Then proceed to show how your transferrable skills will help you excel in the role.

Clarify Your Interest in the Job

Something to be careful is not to make the employer think you’re not excited about the role. Make sure you emphasize you are serious about working for the employer, and that this is an outstanding opportunity. By reiterating your interest in the position and company, the employer doesn’t feel you are only focusing on the aspects that need changing. If they see you’re passionate about the role and the company, then your request to work from home on Fridays due to kids may seem more manageable.

Consider the Entire Offer

A big thing to keep in mind is not to get tunnel vision on just the salary. Job satisfaction comes from other aspects of the company, such as benefits, growth, culture, and management. If all those things are in line with what you’re targeting, you may want to consider those as well. Although the person you are negotiating with may wish to give you want you are asking for, they might not physically be able to due to other issues such as salary caps. Figure out where they might be flexible such as start dates, vacation time, or signing bonuses, and see if those areas can provide additional value.

Work with a Recruiter

If you’re someone that may not be great at negotiating and want your next career to be in line with what you’re targeting, working with a recruiter can be extremely helpful. The Nagler Group recruiters can help you find your next role, and make sure it will be an overall great opportunity. These recruiters can provide negotiation with employers on your behalf to get you the best possible job offer and make it worth your while. If you’re interested in working with a recruiter, see which jobs are open today!

About The Nagler Group

The Nagler Group is the leading provider of human resources, legal, and administrative staffing and recruiting services across Greater Boston and New Hampshire. Since 2008, The Nagler Group has provided qualified and talented professionals, on a temporary and direct-hire basis, to thousands of organizations throughout the local market.

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