Sales Opportunity with a Humanistic Approach

Everyone you work with is human. They eat, sleep, laugh, and have feelings. They have family, friends, values, and goals. In today’s world of artificial intelligence and evolving technology, it’s easy to forget that interacting with people involves treating them like human beings. For this reason, it’s important to treat each prospect as a person during every sales opportunity. Here’s how.

Get to Know Your Prospects  

Relationships work best when you get to know people. Take the time to build rapport, entertain, and help your prospects before making any recommendations. Have an upfront agenda for your meeting.  People dislike surprises and unpredictable interactions. If something feels uncomfortable to you, it most likely does for them.

Feed Your Prospects 

Everyone values sharing food with others. Depending on the time of day, treat your prospect to a meal, snack, or coffee. It’s a great way to introduce yourself or keep in touch. If you’re short on time, have food delivered to your meeting. Even if you end up having multiple lunches in one day, it’ll be worth the business you bring in.

Show You Care  

Respect your prospects. They’re investing their time with you to develop a relationship. Remember that people do business with those they like and respect. This attitude develops from a mindset of empathy and caring. Show you care about and value each conversation with your prospect. Appreciate the things they care about. Go out of your way to help with things unrelated to your products/services. If your prospect seems stressed, share a laugh with them.

Focus on Touchpoints 

Touchpoints are an important part of interacting with prospects. These are moments during the sales cycle when you intentionally reach out to a prospect. Whether it’s a personal email, handwritten note, phone call, meeting, or something else, touchpoints are essential to establish a positive experience. This shows your words and actions are intentional, you care about your products/services, and you’re willing to invest in your prospect’s experience to earn their business.

Listen More Than You Speak 

Join your prospect with your business by actively listening. Engaging with your prospect helps you hear and understand their needs and problems. Asking questions and carefully listening to the answers enables you to create a proposal to fill needs and solve problems.

Work with a Humanistic Sales Staffing Agency 

Work with a humanistic sales staffing agency. Sales Search Partners gets to know each candidate on a personal level, including their career goals and interests, then matches them to clients with appropriate openings. Discover which jobs are open today.

About Sales Search Partners

Sales Search Partners is the leading provider of sales recruiting services throughout the Greater Boston and New Hampshire markets. Today’s leading organizations turn to Sales Search Partners to attract and acquire top sales talent at all levels.

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