Challenging Conversation with your manager

Like most employees, the thought of addressing a challenging issue with your manager may make you apprehensive. Not knowing how they might react can keep you from addressing your concerns. However, not directly dealing with the problem or talking about it with colleagues rather than your manager typically does more harm than good. For this reason, you need to face these issues head-on. 

Here are two ways to prepare for a challenging conversation with your manager.

You Want a Raise  

If you want to ask your manager for a raise, you can prepare for the conversation in a variety of ways. For instance, seek support from people outside your workplace. Your family and friends can encourage you to go after what you want and be proud of you for asking for what you deserve. Having these sources of energy will motivate you to move forward with your plan. Also, write down your business contributions and accomplishments. Point out your small wins and big successes and how they add value to your team and the company. During your meeting, talk about what you’ve attained throughout your time with the organization. Emphasize your capabilities and the worthiness of a raise. Point out how you want your compensation to match your contributions and commitment to the company. Focus on the value you provide and why you should be appropriately compensated. Mention the key performance metrics you exceeded, performance areas you showed improvement in, skills you gained, and targets you surpassed. Ask for a raise in line with what you’re worth in the job market. If your manager is unable to provide a raise due to budget restrictions or other reasons, think about alternatives to increase your compensation. Additional vacation days, bonuses, or healthcare benefits may suffice. 

You Found a New Job 

If you decided to change jobs even though you like your manager, arrange a time to talk in person. Find a time when your manager can process the information afterward. During your discussion, thank them for the time they invested in you and the specific ways they helped develop your career. Mention the company you accepted an offer from and what your title will be. Point out the benefits you’ll receive by moving on. They may include additional responsibility, a greater title, or more leadership development. Mention that you need to do what’s best for your career and your family/yourself. Let your manager know how much you appreciate working with them and want to keep in touch. Remain pleasant and polite yet firm. Provide at least two weeks’ notice that you’re leaving. Offer to train your replacement and assist with the transition as needed. 

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